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The meaning of the card "Knight of Wands" in the Tarot


The Knight of Wands in the Tarot means being charming (superficial), self-confident (arrogant), daring (reckless), adventurous (restless) and passionate (hot-tempered). Where, on the one hand, the Knight of Wands is full of energy and never seems afraid to try new things. On the other hand, he seems very sure of himself and his abilities. Although others may be confused by his crazy stunts, his courage and passion are still admired. The Knight of Wands tends to be superficial, and you can't expect a deep commitment from him. He is reckless and irresponsible and acts without thinking. This gets him into trouble. The Knight of Wands also sends spiritual messages.

The meaning of the card Knight of Wands upright

When the Knight of Wands is straight in a Tarot reading, it can suggest that you or someone else connected with the situation (or the atmosphere in general) has a confident and passionate style, just like the Knight of Wands. The only thing to check is whether this "energy" of the Knight is useful or not. Is it confidence or arrogance you feel? Are you (or your company) rushing into something without preparation (which could be risky)? This could be a time for change, for balance. If this energy is lacking, then perhaps it's time to try something new, maybe have a bit of fun. The Knight of Wands could be an indication to go out for some adventure, some excitement, some risk. Only you can decide whether the Knight's energy is useful or desirable. If you receive this card, check whether your confidence is really arrogant. Do you feel irritable and impatient all the time? If this style of the Knight is evident, you probably need to rebalance. It may be time for a change rather than rushing into something risky without any preparation. If you're losing the Knight's energy, you may need to try something new. If you've been working hard, maybe it's time to go and have some fun.

The meaning of the card Knight of Wands reversed

When the Knight of Wands is reversed in a Tarot reading, it can mean that you've hit some snags and you don't know how to conquer them. They may be of your own making. Are you being too passive? Or overconfident? It could also mean canceled plans or an arrogant man.

The meaning of the card Knight of Wands in love

The Knight of Wands in a love Tarot reading can mean that you're feeling confident in matters of love and possibly sex too! If you're single, it could mean that a knight-like figure is heading into your life or that you're feeling like the Knight: confident and ready to meet someone amazing. If you are in a relationship, it can represent that you are in a relationship with someone like the Knight or that you are the Knight. It could also mean that you and your significant other need to increase the amount of time you spend together.

Learn more about Tarot with our article "How to Read Tarot at Home", or become a Tarot master right now with the "Tarot Master" course by clicking the button below.

Check out the meaning of all the major and minor arcana of the Tarot.






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