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The meaning of the card "Nine of Wands" in the Tarot


The Nine of Wands in the Tarot signifies defensiveness, perseverance, vigor, resilience and resistance. A look at the figure of the Nine of Wands card shows that he has been through certain battles. The (classical) figure is bandaged about the head and arm and supported by a crutch. He may be wounded, but he's not down, he's still standing! Because he's injured, he can be defensive. Some of the cards that reinforce the qualities of the Nine of Wands are Strength (Major Arcana Card) and the Seven of Wands, Two of Swords and Eight of Diamonds. Some cards that oppose the Nine of Clubs are the Three of Hearts, Six of Hearts and Eight of Hearts.

The meaning of the card Nine of Wands upright

When the Nine of Wands is straight in the Tarot reading, it can be a sign to proceed with caution, because there is every possibility of being hurt, either physically or mentally. Defense is natural if you've been hurt, but the trick is not to be bitter. Now you need to be more vigilant. As you've gone through difficulties, you've become stronger too. Strength and endurance are other aspects of the Nine of Wands. As a fighter, you need to be strong and have the inner resilience to persist, come what may. This is the spirit of this card. The Nine of Wands wants you to keep going despite all the odds. Don't give up, whatever the opposition. You have the strength within you to overcome. And yes, you can get hurt. You may have gone through difficult times and been hurt, but you're not defeated yet! Another quality of this card is resilience. Despite setbacks, you persist. You have to keep going, no matter what.

The Meaning of the Nine of Wands card reversed

When the Nine of Wands is reversed in a Tarot reading, it can mean that you or someone else is being incredibly stubborn. It can also represent physical or mental weakness and worrying about past actions. Would you be better off compromising or letting things happen?

The meaning of the Nine of Wands card in love

The Nine of Wands in a love Tarot reading can mean that things are a bit difficult right now. If you're in a relationship, it could mean that you're having some problems with your partner. Perhaps one of you has been negatively affected by a previous relationship and is now bringing a lot of baggage into the current one. If you're single, you may be feeling hurt and unable to move on.

Learn more about Tarot with our article "How to Read Tarot at Home", or become a Tarot master right now with the "Tarot Master" course by clicking the button below.

Check out the meaning of all the major and minor arcana of the Tarot.






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