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My Horoscope

scorpio sign horoscope today
aquarius sign horoscope today

When Scorpio and Aquarius make a couple in love, it's a fusion of two very different philosophies of life and many very different needs.

There's plenty of chance for friction here. Where Scorpio faces its inner emotional world directly and with intense energy, thinking deeply about life's more hidden tendencies, Aquarius takes that same kind of energy and transforms it outwards. With their unusual, idealistic and, above all, very social outlook on life, Aquarius seems an odd choice for the more introverted Scorpio. Aquarius needs a crowd to feel stimulated, and they are always looking around the room to meet the next interesting person. Scorpio, on the other hand, craves an engaging, investigative and very intimate time with their romantic partners. This pair may seem to have very little in common, but they both have such strong desires that everything can work out in the end.

Both Scorpio and Aquarius can be uncooperative and opinionated: they like things to go their way, no questions asked! For this love match, however, \"their ways\" are very different. Scorpio is inquisitive, digging deep into the hidden meaning of things, always asking questions and wanting to know where things are going and why. Aquarius is progressive and affable, but doesn't like details. Scorpio can be attracted by their differences, as Aquarius shows them new outer worlds, but can end up frustrated trying to get answers from this eccentric enigma. Aquarius doesn't like possessiveness either, preferring to belong to the world and not to one person. But a poignant Scorpio can be fiercely possessive and require more attention than an Aquarian could ever give. If the Aquarius calms down and pays attention, they may find the devotion that Scorpio provides very helpful.

The planets Mars and Pluto rule Scorpio, and the planets Saturn and Uranus rule Aquarius. Mars is a revolutionary, aggressive and spirited masculine energy, and Pluto illuminates these impulses and adds a cyclical quality of rebirth. Saturn is a cold, restrained energy, and Uranus is about all things different and unusual. Mars is emotional, reacting without thinking things through, such is the nature of Scorpio. Saturn demands a lot of hard work and discipline from Aquarius, while Uranus gives them that advanced thinking mind. A gentle Scorpio lover, careful not to tie an Aquarius down too tightly, can teach their spouse about a life based on emotional intuition, which quiets the intellect sometimes in favor of physical sensation. Understanding Aquarians can teach their serious Scorpio partners to calm down and reassess whether their goals are really the best choice.

Scorpio is a Water sign and Aquarius is an Air sign. Air is about intellect, so Aquarius approaches life as a chance to grow and explore after each other, while Scorpio is more analytical. Scorpio looks for purpose and Aquarius looks for stimulation. These love partners find it difficult to understand the origin of each other's thinking. Clashes arise when Scorpio's possessiveness gets the better of them or if Aquarius seems too cold, irreverent and denies Scorpio's emotional security. Both need to learn that they see the world in different ways and should celebrate and laugh at their differences.

Scorpio and Aquarius are both fixed signs. Both can be inflexible, dogmatic and persevering. If they have a plan, they will stick with it until their efforts are rewarded. Once they have decided that they are good companions for each other, they will never be discouraged from maintaining the relationship. But they can have such contradictory approaches to life that their relationship becomes more difficult than pleasurable. If they believe in the value of their relationship, they will be able to overcome their differences.

What's the best thing about the Scorpio-Aquarius relationship? Their ability to succeed in their synergy. Both signs have very powerful personalities, so neither will openly dominate the other. Once they can appreciate their differences, come together and agree on their individual roles within the relationship, the results can be intensely rewarding.

Scorpio combinations in love

aries combinations in love
Aries 21/03 to 20/04
Taurus combinations in love
Taurus 21/04 to 20/05
twin combinations in love
Gemini 21/05 to 20/06
cancer combinations in love
Cancer 21/06 to 20/07
lion combinations in love
Leo 21/07 to 22/08
virgo combinations in love
Virgo 23/08 to 22/09
libra combinations in love
Libra 23/09 to 22/10
scorpio combinations in love
Scorpio 23/10 to 21/11
sagittarius combinations in love
Sagittarius 22/11 to 21/12
capricorn combinations in love
Capricorn 22/12 to 20/01
aquarius combinations in love
Aquarius 21/01 to 19/02
fish combinations in love
Pisces 20/02 to 20/03

Aquarius combinations in love

aries combinations in love
Aries 21/03 to 20/04
Taurus combinations in love
Taurus 21/04 to 20/05
twin combinations in love
Gemini 21/05 to 20/06
cancer combinations in love
Cancer 21/06 to 20/07
lion combinations in love
Leo 21/07 to 22/08
virgo combinations in love
Virgo 23/08 to 22/09
libra combinations in love
Libra 23/09 to 22/10
scorpio combinations in love
Scorpio 23/10 to 21/11
sagittarius combinations in love
Sagittarius 22/11 to 21/12
capricorn combinations in love
Capricorn 22/12 to 20/01
aquarius combinations in love
Aquarius 21/01 to 19/02
fish combinations in love
Pisces 20/02 to 20/03


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