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The meaning of the "King of Spades" card in the Tarot


The King of Swords in the Tarot means being intellectual, analytical, articulate, fair and ethical. He is very eloquent and perceptive. His personality is a combination of the positive air energy of the suit of swords and the outward focus of a king. He is an intellectual and can assimilate all kinds of information. He handles all situations fairly and honorably and processes decisions impartially and justly. He is highly ethical and incorruptible and expects others to follow the same standards. He is quick to find solutions and equally good at explaining them to others. The King of Swords has the ability to move forward, cutting through confusion and providing clarity. In this way, he takes care of any and all chaotic conditions.

The meaning of the card King of Swords upright

When the King of Swords is standing in a Tarot reading, it means that you might have to act the way the King does. These actions involve thinking of a solution, communicating well, judging fairly and telling the truth. What is needed is an environment of honesty and high ethical standards. This is the time for you to be inspired by what the King of Swords represents.

The Meaning of the King of Swords card reversed

When the King of Swords is reversed in a Tarot reading, it can mean a hunger for power and being tyrannical and out of control. It can also mean being aggressive, oppressive and overly critical.

The meaning of the King of Swords card in love

The King of Swords in a Tarot love reading is an indication of mostly good things. If you are single, you may soon be in a relationship with someone who possesses the qualities of the King of Swords, or perhaps you are that person. If you are in a relationship, it could also indicate that you are in a relationship with someone who possesses the qualities of the King of Swords, or that you are that person. It can also mean that you and your partner connect on an intellectual and physical level.

Learn more about Tarot with our article "How to Read Tarot at Home", or become a Tarot master right now with the "Tarot Master" course by clicking the button below.

Check out the meaning of all the major and minor arcana of the Tarot.






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