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My Horoscope

today's gemini horoscope
today's gemini horoscope

When two Gemini are partners, it's like four people coming together.

This relationship will never be dull, which is a good thing, these two can get bored easily! As they have the same need for intellectual stimulation and almost constant conversation, they serve very well as each other's sounding boards in order to reflect new ideas and theories. Gemini is all about freedom and variety of expression, and two Twins together will make the most of this. Others also enjoy two Twins as a couple - they are sure to fill their lives with their sharp wit and humorous entertainment routine. If they can avoid competition and cooperate, their love relationship can be extremely happy and mutually satisfying.

Twins love playful banter, sarcasm and occasional ironic cynicism. This is fun, for sure, but it can prevent one or both partners from taking the relationship seriously! In an intimate love relationship, there is certainly a need for seriousness, which Gemini would do well to learn. If both partners can pay more attention to their feelings, rather than being governed only by thoughts and intellect, they will greatly enhance their love experience.

Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury (Communication). This couple could talk to each other all night long. Mercury (or Hermes in Greek mythology) was a traveler, Gemini shares this love of variety in places and topics of conversation. Be warned, two-headed twins - the gift of gab could be misinterpreted as gossip. Learning to use the gift of communication in a positive way is key.

Gemini is an Air Sign, and so responds to the world and to their romantic partner with a more rational than emotional focus. Their short attention span causes them to burn out at times, but two Twins together burn out at the same time! And, of course, Gemini's creativity will dream up a new scheme the next moment.

Gemini is a changeable sign. Their flexible and easy-going natures make the four of them a perfect couple. These two have mastered the art of compromise. Two mutable signs together can easily form a conflict-free union. The only thing that can lead to a real argument is one that gets out of hand. Fortunately, Gemini quickly realizes the insignificance of proving a point - and of fighting in general.

What is the best aspect of the Gemini-Gemini relationship? The enormous amount of intellectual energy and stimulation they provide each other. They are able to save each other from leading a mundane existence. Together, they can entertain the world and accomplish more than anyone alone.

Twin combinations in love

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Aries 21/03 to 20/04
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Scorpio 23/10 to 21/11
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Sagittarius 22/11 to 21/12
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Capricorn 22/12 to 20/01
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Aquarius 21/01 to 19/02
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Pisces 20/02 to 20/03


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